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Chemical Free Buckthorn Removal

New! Larger Super Heavy Duty Bags

These new Super Heavy Duty bags are designed for larger Buckthorn trees or smaller Buckthorn trees that were once cut and never treated and have become a bush like tree. These bags are super thick and can be used over and over again for years to come. Each order includes 25 extra - long Heavy Duty zip ties. These come in the following dimensions:

03 (3).png
03 (2).png

New! Larger Super Heavy Duty Bags

These new Super Heavy Duty bags are designed for larger Buckthorn trees or smaller Buckthorn trees that were once cut and never treated and have become a bush like tree. These bags are super thick and can be used over and over again for years to come. Each order includes 25 extra - long Heavy Duty zip ties. These come in the following dimensions:

03 (3).png
03 (2).png

Buckthorn Removal Techniques & The Baggie

Removing Buckthorn the Easy Way: 

The goal is to eradicate buckthorn plants and remove and control buckthorn plants without the use of chemicals or uprooting and disturbing ground soil with a buckthorn puller or broom which would allow more buckthorn seeds to germinate.

Our Buckthorn Baggie can be used anytime of the year for buckthorn removal. This bag can be used on other invasive plants as well that do not use root suckers to re-sprout.  Hillsides are a very common place to use the Buckthorn Baggie to help stop any erosion that would happen if the plants roots are removed.  Killing buckthorn has never been so easy without the use of chemicals. Many groups of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have found that by not using chemicals, it allows troops to do total buckthorn removal from start to finish.  How to kill buckthorn without chemicals has arrived.  Our Buckthorn Baggies have also been featured in newspapers across the country, highlighting the first chemical free way to safely and effectively kill buckthorn.


Janice Siska-Hjelmgren Racine WI

The regular size is working well on our regular sized buckthorn!  The baggies have stayed on all winter, there is no sprouting around them, and they are still in good condition.  Having bludgeoned, poisoned, and watched a backhoe buckthorn battle with, and lose, to buckthorn over the years, I really appreciate the simplicity, efficiency, and healthful method of eradicating buckthorn with the buckthorn baggies!!!

References and News Stories on Buckthorn Baggie

Why is Buckthorn control needed?


Out-competes native plants for nutrients, light, and moisture


Contributes to erosion by shading out other plants that grow on the forest floor


Degrades wildlife habitat


Serves as host to other pests, such as crown rust fungus and soybean aphid


Threatens the future of forests, wetlands, prairies, and other natural habitats


Lacks "natural controls" like insects or disease that would curb its growth

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